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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dream Logic

I had another vivid dream last night. I've always had pretty crazy dreams, but I think I can link some of these recent ones to using valerian root as a sleep aid. On the nights that I take it, my dreams are more intense than usual. And it kind of smells like dirty toenail sludge.  But I sleep soooooo well that it's definitely worth it.

So, last night I was taking a standardized test of sorts, but instead of normal exam questions it had logic questions/riddles.

I kicked ass on Section 1, during the first day of testing.

The second day, however, was a completely different story. Unfortunately, I was afflicted with "can't keep the eyes open or focus vision" syndrome. It's kind of like those "trying really hard to move but my feet are glued to the ground" dreams.

It made it really difficult to read the questions and even more difficult to answer them.

I do remember one question clearly. There was a table loaded up with kitchen utensils. I was supposed to read this riddle and then choose and arrange the correct utensils in a specific order:

"Two are always in a fight, two are always right, take a bite"

Being a genius, I figured out that I was supposed to make the following arrangement:

Observe how the knives are fighting, and the forks are on the right.

Then there was the set of essay questions where I became convinced that the solution was to write answers that insulted how ridiculous the questions were.

Probably I was just pissed off at not being able to keep my eyes open.

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