I basically hardly slept for 2 days. Restless legs = DOOM. So last night, when I got an amazing 10 hours, my dreams threw a "Welcome Back" party for me.
First off, my little sister tried to drive an ice cream truck into the hotel where we were staying. Then, she knuckle-walked over to me like a blond gorilla and tried to bite half my face off. She was making these "nyom-nyom-nyom" noises into my eyeball while my older sister watched on in horror and scolded, "No! Bad Corinne!"
For the rest of my dream she kept switching back and forth from nice, normal Corinne to psychotic cannibal. I was very suspicious of her intentions when she tried to hug me.
Then we had to go jet skiing through frigid water to go to a dirty island where we had to climb tall trees and pick tomatoes from them. The crazy Childrens Choir director was there instructing us on what to do with them. We had to get every last one. IN JESUS NAME!!!
Finally, we kicked a grumpy old man out of our house because he was being a jerk during dinner. He turned into a tiger and tried to hide in the garage. Tazmanian-Devil-Corinne started to eat the car tires, which alarmed the crabby tiger enough to wander away into the woods.
Thank you for the lovely party, sleep. But it looks like maybe you didn't miss me as much as I missed you.
That crazy children's choir director.. she's still alive, by the way...