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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy October!

It's the month of my favorite holiday! I may or may not get more excited about Halloween than your average 7-year-old. Therefore, my posts this month will be dedicated to all things gross, creepy, and scary. Consider yourselves warned.

So, I went to bed at about 7:00 pm last night. I actually just meant to take a quick nap, but I'm fighting off a cold. I think the 13 hours of sleep I've gotten in the last 24 hours has done me well, as I am not hacking up any lungs.

I woke up at some point during the night utterly convinced that there was a Tyrannosaurus Rex in my bedroom. I felt my breathing quicken, and told myself, "I just need to stay completely still so it doesn't find me and eat me."

Once I had woken up enough to remember that dinosaurs are extinct, I was possessed by a new terror. There was someone else in my apartment. I heard their footsteps, and a grocery bag rustling around.

I reached for my phone. I cursed that no one had invented 9-1-1 texting so I could notify the police without letting the intruder know I was aware of their presence. Who knows, they might bludgeon me?

Then it occurred to me that it was more likely to be Sally than a murderer. But I still didn't feel totally relaxed about getting up to go to the bathroom.

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