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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Potty Predicament

Apparently, I sit really awkwardly on public toilets.

I went to a concert yesterday with my sister at UIC Pavilion (The National and The Arcade Fire, which by the way was incredibly awesome!). So as not to miss any of the show, we decided to use the restrooms before heading down to the floor.

So. Public toilets. I don't like to sit on them. I've cleaned urine off of them too many times. But it takes a really long time to tenderly place toilet paper all around the seat. And if there's an automatic flusher, it is inevitably triggered by such action, and then all of that hard work is lost. So I sit on my hands. I'm going to wash them, so I will end up being all clean.

Apparently, this way of sitting causes me to lean forward too much or something, which is disastrous if I am confronted with one of those stupid ultra-sensitive automatic toilets.

This goat-jammed toilet flushed three monkey flipping times while I was sitting on it. Ridiculous.

And then it didn't flush when I stood up.

1 comment:

  1. I hate those automatically flushing toilets. They never work when you want them to!
